Security - the foundation of trust

A video on the foundation of trust in security with Scott Stevens

In today’s video, I interview Scott Stevens as he explains a fundamental concept in security: the foundation of trust.

Solutions like encryption, Zero Trust Networking, micro-segmentation, and protecting applications regardless of how they are hosted require a foundational and robust Root of Trust (RoT).

Scott explains how Pensando supports a full RoT in the DSC (Distributed Services Card) by incorporating dedicated hardware like a PUF (Physically Unclonable Function) and secures it with a HardGap (PCIe Firewall).

This RoT is fundamental to guarantee that the DSC runs only certified software and that all the encryption keys are adequately protected and cannot be harvested.

In case a workload is compromised, the HardGap limits lateral exposure since the compromised workload cannot access the security rules stored on the DSC.

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I promise I will make more videos like this with more technical details.